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The Certainty of Being Loved
(foreward by Timothy Radcliffe)
The Certainty of Being Loved traces the spiritual journey of Pierre Claverie op, born in 1938 in Algiers, the fourth generation of a family of European settlers.
Pierre joined the Dominicans in France and his conversion experience enabled him to cross the boundaries of difference and deepen his Christian commitment. It would eventually lead him to offer his life as a ransom for peace and reconciliation between Christians and Muslims.
"The Algerian martyr Blessed Pierre Claverie is one of the great witnesses of our time, deserving of a place next to Oscar Romero or Dietrich Bonhoeffer, yet is little known so far in the wider Church." - Austin Ivereigh
My Journal of the Council - Yves Congar
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Theologian Yves Congar op, silenced and exiled in 1955, was in 1960 made a theological advisor to the preparatory commission for Vatican II.
His daily journal provides a window into the Council’s workings and into the development of what would become a series of historical documents and declarations.
The Restructuring of Irish Dioceses
The many reforms needed in the Catholic Church in Ireland include restructuring its 26 dioceses. Their boundaries, unchanged since they were arranged in the twelfth century, no longer match the distribution of the Catholic population.
Historian Adrian Empey shows in detail how Church structures in Ireland were transformed in 1100s – from being linked to areas influenced by monasteries to the diocesan system we now know.
Geographer Des McCafferty shows how dioceses should normally generate, or at least be based, on a sense of place and a sense of identity. Ten other writers examine a range of relevant topics. They draw comparisons with diocesan re-organisation undertaken by the Church in France and by the Church of Ireland.
Two Dominican Martyrs of Ireland
Two Dominican Martyrs: The Lives of Peter Higgins and Terence Albert O'Brien
This book details the lives of Peter Higgins and Terence Albert O’Brien, two Irish martyrs who were executed for their Catholic faith in the early 17th century. Beatified in 1992 by Pope John Paul II, their courage in the face of intense persecution remains a powerful testament to their steadfast faith. In their prefaces, Bishop Laurence Ryan and Archbishop Dermot Clifford highlight the enduring local devotion to these Blesseds in Kildare and Tipperary, while Bishop Walton Empey emphasizes the ecumenical significance of Peter Higgins’ life. Their story is an important part of Irish martyrdom, celebrated each year on November 1, alongside All Saints' Day.
Vatican Council II: The Basic Sixteen Documents
The Church's twenty-one ecumenical councils have been crucial to its understanding of its biblical heritage.
Their absorption into the day - to day practice of individual Christians has always taken time. And Vatican II has been no exception. Hence the importance of this completely revised translation of Vatican II's sixteen documents, without commentary or additional documentation, and in an inclusive language.
Justice, Peace, and Domincans, 1216-2001
This book looks at how one Catholic religious order - very old, yet persistently in the forefront of change - has responded to justice and peace issues in the course of 785 years: the 785 years from its foundation to the start of the Third Millennium.
The individuals portrayed here pursued this commitment in extraordinarily diverse ways.
Preachers at Prayer
Preachers at Prayer is the text of an address delivered at the General Chapter of the Dominican Order held at Providence College, Rhode Island, July 2001.
In some religious traditions, the contemplative life is seen to demand an almost complete turning away from the world. But, within the Dominican tradition, the preacher of the living Word is someone possessed not only by a vision of God but also by a profound inner conviction of people's need
The Benedictines
Redemption in Irish History
Cabra Dominicans and All That Jazz: A Story of Dominican Sisters in Louisiana
This book tells the story of how a group of Irish Dominican sisters answered an urgent appeal in 1968 to teach in a school in New Orleans. Since that time sisters have set out courageously, often at short notice, to face the emerging challenges of different cultures, institutions, and systems.
Cabra Dominicans and All That Jazz celebrates the gifts of the Cabra Sisters and of the people to whom they minister in Louisiana.
A Dream of Fire - A Story About Dominic Guzman
In this story, A Dream of Fire, Maeve McMahon imaginatively recreates for the younger generation, the life of Dominic Guzman, the Founder of the Order of Preachers.
Mother Margaret Hallahan - A Short Life
Born at the dawn of the nineteenth century, Dominican Margaret Mary Hallahan enriched Catholic Church in England in the fields of education of the young and care of the infirm, in the years following Catholic Emancipation. These pages provide evidence of Margaret's staunch faith as well as pointing to the energetic drive she brought to different ministries.