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Welcome to our Book Sale and embark on a journey of spiritual exploration and discovery with our collection of theological treasures. We believe that knowledge, especially in the realms of prayer, spiritual life, liturgy, and more, is a precious resource.
We have a limited number of well-known publications and hidden gems available at reduced prices so we can make way for new stock.
Each book on our shelves holds the wisdom of its authors, offering insights and perspectives that can enrich your understanding of faith and deepen your personal journey. These limited-edition offerings are only available while stocks last!
Spirituality & Poverty in a Land of Plenty
This book addresses the questions of why poverty and social exclusion continue to be the norm for so many people in a society with a Christian background and in which sufficient resources exist to tackle this issue effectively.
It is hoped that the insights offered in these pages will stimulate further thought and debate among a wide readership.
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Taking the Our Father, the prayer that is shared by all the followers of Christ, Fr O'Flynn guides the reader through the various petitions of this great Christian prayer and offers reflections that will help to deepen the understanding and faith of the reader.
Theology in the University: The Irish Context
Theologians Seán Freyne and Finlay Holmes join forces with historians Dermot Keogh and John A. Murphy to debate whether there is a new climate for considering the place of theology in university studies.
And is it True? Truth, God and No- Man's Land
This is a book about faith, and about the need to search for faith with integrity - an integrity which requires a ruthless honesty and seeks to leave no place for compartmentalizing the self.
In this search, Bishop Clarke reconnoitres the territory in which God of the Christian vision may 'in truth' be encountered and proclaimed today.
Human Dignity and Spirituality
Human Dignity and Spirituality in a Globalized World
Spirituality for Social Engagement
It is hoped that insights offered in these pages will facilitate reflection and stimulate further thought and debate.
This book is the fruit if a Conference organised by the Justice Commission of the Conference if Religious of Ireland (CORI). This book is the second series under the general theme of "Spirituality for Social Engagement"
Good News in a Divided Society
Papers of the 1991 annual general meeting of the National Conference of priests of Ireland.
Ryan Report on renewal courses for priests.
Introduction to Christian Feminism
This introduction is a response to requests from women's groups for a non-academic introduction to Christian feminist insights. It explains the different strands within the feminist movement, and looks at the attitudes of Jesus towards women and at the ministries entrusted to them in the time of the apostles.
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No Longer Strangers - Cultural Integration in Church and Society in Ireland
Cultural Integration in Church and Society in Ireland
Migration presents both problems and opportunities worldwide. This book looks at two important sources of hope.
Papers of the 1994 Corrymeela Ecumenical Conference
In 1994 a conference organised jointly by the Irish School of Ecumenics and the Corrymeela Community, produced a body of very important thinking to help clarify issues and identify strategies to combat the negative and destructive aspects of sectarianism.