BOOK SALE | Up to 80% Off | Dominican Publications
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Welcome to our Book Sale and embark on a journey of spiritual exploration and discovery with our collection of theological treasures. We believe that knowledge, especially in the realms of prayer, spiritual life, liturgy, and more, is a precious resource.
We have a limited number of well-known publications and hidden gems available at reduced prices so we can make way for new stock.
Each book on our shelves holds the wisdom of its authors, offering insights and perspectives that can enrich your understanding of faith and deepen your personal journey. These limited-edition offerings are only available while stocks last!
The Franciscans
The Franciscans: Who are they? How did they start? How have they grown? What do they do? What do they believe? Where are they today?
These are some of the questions this book will try to answer. And in answering those questions it will sketch a family portrait, that of the Franciscans, a picture of a family with its own memories, its own character, its own stories.
Take and Read - A Guide to the Bible for Lay Readers
Andrew G. McGrady lecturer in communications, Mater Dei Institute
Emmaus - The Gracious Visit of God According to Luke
2nd Edition
Takes the reader on a biblical journey, ending in the company of two disciples on the road to Emmaus who, after frankly sharing their disappointment and hurt, meet a new future at the heart of their experience.
The Correspondence of Catherine McAuley 1827 -1841
Catherine McAuley was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1778. In 1824 she used inheritance to build a large House of Mercy where she and other lay women would shelter homeless women, reach out to the sick and dying and educate poor girls.
This book is a collection of correspondence to and from Catherine McAuley between 1827 -1841.
Altogether Gift - A Trinitarian Spirituality
This poetic book on the Trinity offers reflections on the mystery of God as a communion of persons in one Love, and spells out the implications of this for the spiritual life.
The Journey of Discipleship - A Reading of the Gospel
Pierre discusses how among the many images which the New Testament writers use to describe discipleship, one of the images which speak to him the most is that the life of a disciple is a journey. Journeying is so much part of the human experience meaning that discipleship, like a journey, is in some way an adventure. But actually, a journey is so often a succession of thrusts forward and of setbacks.
The Spiritual Adventure of the Apocalypse
A Scripture teacher who knew that he was suffering a terminal illness, explores how reading the Apocalypse can be an authentic spring-time of the soul. This can be true not just for the individual believer but for the Church too.
The Gospel of Matthew - A Spiritual Commentary
Matthew's gospel usually heads the list of the three synoptic gospels because he was an eye-witness from the beginning. A more scientific study of the synoptic gospels showed us that the question is not quite so simple.
Can We Still Call God "Father"?
Celine writes this book from her own background as an Irish Catholic religious woman who happens to be involved in scripture studies. Each of these components contributed to her own story of prayer and to her discovery of the depths of the Our Father.
Do This In Memory Of Me
"This man welcomes sinners and eats with them"
'Any book that takes us back to the practice of Jesus is to be welcomed. Do This In Memory Of Me focuses on the role that meals played in the ministry of Jesus. He scandalised the pious by welcoming sinners and eating with them. It is the same Jesus that we encounter in the Eucharist. Therefore, the Eucharist must be a place where sinners experience acceptance, healing and forgiveness. When Jesus says, "Do this in memory of me", he is saying that we, too, must welcome sinners and eat with them. Therein lies a great challenge. Simson deserves our gratitude for spelling it out so clearly.' - Flor McCarthy SDB, author of New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies
Reading Scripture for Living the Christian Life
Doctrine & Life Special Issue
Bible study, both academic and pastoral, is now a shared interest and responsibility across Christian traditions, though it once divided the Churches.